Mental Health and Stress
Couples Counselling
Work and Career
Mediation Services
Organisational Consulting
We can spend a lot of time at work, so when the job we are doing does not match our needs, capabilities or interests, it can affect our health and wellbeing. Career counselling/coaching can bring a totally new perspective on what’s been happening with your work choices in the past and the decisions you are making right now. Talking to an expert like Julie Berg will help you to review your work situation and clarify your direction. You might not be looking at a change of work but how to manage your current work demands or even a new role.
The world of work continues to change rapidly due to the digital revolution, the new global environment, COVID-19 and now the hybrid workplace. Flexibility, resilience, being able to adapt to change and look for opportunities that match your circumstances are the keys to making good decisions about your working life.
Our working life is much like the rest of our life. We make decisions based on a unique set of circumstances and opportunities at any point in time. If we had 20:20 vision in hindsight, we might have made different decisions but they would never be perfect as there is no such thing as a perfect career or a perfect life.
The well researched Chaos Theory of Careers tells us, yet again, that our careers are subject to chance events and are unpredictable, with most people expressing a degree of surprise or disappointment at where they ended up, even when certain career plans were in place. Some of us are just lucky to be offered an opportunity that was quite unexpected. We can also find ourselves out of work for reasons that we have no control over, such as redundancy, personal or family health issues or relocation/migration.
We also have different career motivators and values and these do change over our working life and need to be updated, depending on our unique set of circumstances. What's important to you at this stage of your life?
Julie has been providing career counselling and coaching to people from diverse occupations for over 35 years, from front line staff to executives, people starting out in their career, mid-career to those planning for retirement.

Career Counselling/Coaching
Career Counselling/Coaching is targeted to the needs of each person, as everyone has a unique set of circumstances.
Julie's approach is to take a comprehensive work-life history and track how you came to be where you are now and identify areas of dissatisfaction or concerns with your current work situation. If you are looking at a change in direction, we explore realistic work and/or further training options for now and the near future, taking into account 'where the jobs are' plus all of your other needs such as financial commitments, capabilities, family responsibilities, location and energy for change. Usually one or two sessions are enough.
Career Coaching/Mentoring is offered on a more ongoing basis, addressing specific issues in an existing role/organisation.
Assistance for common work-related problems:
Work Direction- Work Stress - Burnout - Loss of Motivation - Job Dissatisfaction- Redundancy- Resume Preparation - Job Search Skills - Bullying and Harassment - Workplace Conflict- Transition to Retirement
Julie has a special interest and experience in providing career support services to health practitioners.
Julie is an accredited treating psychologist for Workers Compensation matters.